Back to School Honey Pairings
Honey is a natural superfood. Its natural vitamins and minerals can minimize sick days, boost energy, and increase memory retention. Plus, it goes with just about every food kids love. Save time on your breakfast or lunch packing with these classic Adee Honey Farms pairings.*
*DISCLAIMER: Don’t feed honey to children under 2 years of age.
Honey & Cereal
Elevate breakfast with a spoonful (or more) of Adee Honey Farms honey drizzled over a low-sugar cereal. Not only will it boost your little one’s energy for the school day but it also helps calm and soothe their brain, which helps with augmenting memory as they grow.
Honey & PB&J
Kids love a classic PB & J. A PB & J with Adee Honey on it? That’s the next level. Just a drizzle of the sweet stuff on top of the peanut butter (or jelly) provides an afternoon boost to power kids through the day.
Honey & Fruit
The plus side to this pairing? It’s simple to put together, and makes the perfect after school snack. Use it as a dipping sauce to amplify the taste of any fruit, from apple slices to raspberries.
Honey & Chicken
For dinnertime you can consider using Adee Honey as a dipping sauce for chicken nuggets, or as a drizzle for chicken sandwiches or even pizza. Honey around bedtime also acts as a natural sleeping agent, by relaxing your brain so you can fall asleep more comfortably.