How to Fix Crystallized Honey
Your Crystallized Honey Is Good as Gold
We’ve got great news about your crystallized honey. It hasn’t gone bad, and you don’t need to throw it out. In fact, crystallization is a natural process for honey. It can be returned to its liquid state or even used as is. It’s still good and will remain good for a long, long time.
Since honey is low in water and high in natural sugar content, it essentially never spoils. Even after it’s been opened. Even after it has crystallized. And there’s no reason to put it in the fridge. Archaeologists have found edible honey in ancient tombs that is thousands of years old.
What Causes Crystallization?
Honey is primarily made up of two types of sugar—glucose and fructose, plus some water. Water evaporation happens naturally over time but can also speed up if honey gets too cold. When the water evaporates, the honey's glucose molecules lock together to crystallize. But guess what? This is actually a good sign.
Wait, Crystallized Honey Is a Good Thing?
Crystallization is a great thing if you like your honey to be the real, authentic kind made from bees with no added sugars or preservatives. It’s a sign that your honey has not been overheated, watered down, artificially sweetened or adulterated in other ways. Crystallization means your honey is real.
How Can I Fix It?
Thankfully, honey can be returned to its liquid state pretty easily. Just heat some water in a pot to about 95–100°F then put your container in the water until the honey liquifies again. In a pinch, you can also run hot water over it from the faucet.
Overheating destroys honey’s beneficial enzymes, so you want to heat the honey gently.
If your honey is in a glass jar, you can heat it in the microwave at 50% power for a quick fix. But this method is not ideal as the honey heats unevenly in the microwave. Overheating alters the honey’s taste and causes it to recrystallize more quickly after heating.

Can I Eat Crystallized Honey?
Not only can you eat crystallized honey, you probably already have. Creamed honey is made by utilizing honey’s crystallization process to create a smooth texture. So, if you don’t want to warm your crystallized honey, just drop some into your tea or put it on some hot toast to let it melt naturally.
Spread the Word
Now that you know your crystallized honey is still good and always will be, let others know too. Our bees work hard to make our honey, we would hate for someone to waste it. After all, it’s as real as honey gets…even when it’s crystallized.