The Benefits of Honey

When you think of honey you probably think of bees, a hive, baked goods or maybe even Winnie the Pooh. What you probably don’t think about are all the other ways honey can be used in your life. Honey has some amazing properties that make it great for coughs, colds and maybe even allergies. Here are a few other ways honey can save the day.
Honey May Treat Allergies
If you live in South Dakota and have bad seasonal allergies, local Adee Honey may be just what you need. When you eat locally sourced honey, you expose yourself to pollen in small doses and may build a tolerance against it. Although it takes about a month to see results, it’s worth it if you can put the runny nose to rest.
Honey Helps Heal Minor Wounds, Burns and Bites
Have you ever used honey or honey-infused cough drops to soothe a sore throat? Honey helps because it has antioxidants, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics. These properties work hand-in-hand to slow swelling while reducing pain so your body has time to heal. You can use honey as a topical on minor wounds, burns and bug bites to reduce itchiness and promote restoration.
Honey Is a Great Moisturizer
Honey is jam-packed with all the things your skin and hair are craving: important minerals, vitamins, proteins and enzymes. You’ve probably already used a product with honey in it like a lip balm or a moisturizer. But why should you use it on its own? Well, honey is also a humectant—meaning it locks in moisture—because of its low pH level and high sugar content. You can use it as a hair mask or even add a little to your bubble bath to avoid chemicals in drugstore products.
Honey Can Help With Sleep and Relaxation
When you take a spoonful of honey before bed, an amazing chain reaction happens: your body manages to change the sugar found in honey into melatonin, a hormone that helps you sleep. Not only that, honey also has natural nootropic properties that help reduce anxiety.
Honey Can Treat Your Acne
It’s safe to assume that no one likes acne. Natural honey has healthy bacteria in it that helps jump start the healing process on pesky blemishes and acne scars—goodbye inflammation and redness! You can use it in the form of a face mask, an exfoliator to get rid of dead skin cells or as a topical treatment.
Honey Is Said to Help Memory
Evidence suggests that honey, when used on a regular basis, can help improve spatial working memory and short term memory over other therapies. Interesting, right?
If you can’t already tell, honey is chock full of good stuff. And even if you aren’t looking for a home remedy or beauty fix, the flavor of real honey is reason enough to have a taste. At Adee Honey Farms, we’ve been working in the heart of honey country for over 50 years, bringing the best honey from the hive straight to your home. Now that’s sweet.